Here are two graphs I made after tracking my time for two weeks. I feel that in school and in such a busy place geographically and in life, none of my days were the same. As seen above, my average day actually has more than 24 hours in it. It is very full. I broke it down into four different parts…Things I have to do to stay alive, things I must do at this time in my life ( transportation, school), things I do to do well in school and work, and things I want to do. Most of my time is spent doing things I have to do for work and school and getting to those places. I spend less than two hours a day relaxing, taking care of my health, reading for leisure, and creating the things I want to as an artist and musician. An Ideal day in my life is much more simple, has much more sleep and more quality time practicing, creating, spending time with friends, and taking care of myself. My lifestyle has already changed in the past week being out of school. What I have discovered from tracking my time, is that I need to set aside a chunk of time, just like I do for practicing my violin or doing homework, specifically for my creative process. If I do this, I believe my output of work and my creativity in general would most likely increase.
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